GoDark Bags makes electromagnetic shielding for portable electronics to reduce your EM signature, conceal your location, and protect your vital gear from an EMP.
Our mobile devices connect us to the modern world and have become central to how we organize and manage our lives. Sadly though, it seems near impossible to have a full understanding of what is going on inside them as evidenced by regular news of mobile hacking scandals, “unreported features” from the manufacturer, identity theft, and even our real-time location and movements being tracked and sold off to the highest bidder.
Our Mission
You own your electronics and you're ultimately responsible for them, therefore it is our belief you should have the ability to control when they transmit and receive electromagnetic signals.
Our mission, driven by this belief, is to provide exceptionally durable Faraday bags that reliably support a high duty cycle, are intended for use under real world conditions, and will not fall apart or stop working with basic wear and tear.
Whether your concerns are privacy and location tracking, health concerns, or you just want to protect your electronics from external static or electromagnetic damage such as from an EMP, GoDark Bags has it covered… literally.
Creating the GoDark Faraday Bags
I am Todd Ariss, co-founder of GoDark Faraday Bags. The GoDark Faraday Bag journey has been a long and circuitous one that traces through my early days as a physicist at the Cross Cancer Institute, followed by a joint project between the Centre for Subatomic Research and CERN. This was followed by more than a decade of software development beginning with the Silicon Valley startup AvantGo, a bleeding edge early developer of mobile device software.
Although I was well versed in electromagnetic shielding from my work as a physicist, it was the increasingly negative trends around privacy and location tracking via our mobile devices that led us to develop the new GoDark Faraday Bag brand.
We heard from a great many people who want to protect their phones from other people, and themselves from their phones. From military, journalists and privacy conscious consumers concerned about being tagged and tracked like wildlife via their cell phones, to the health conscious concerned about excessive EMF exposure... all were fed up and wanted an easy and reliable way to take back control of their devices.
The GoDark Faraday Bag is the culmination of 18 months of collaboration between myself, my co-founder and some very talented and experienced industrial designers from Seattle.
Wanting to build something different, we began by testing out many currently available products, and what we found was pretty frightening. While there were a few decent products out there, none quite satisfied what we were looking for, and many of them simply did not work. Some blocked one signal such as cell but failed to adequately block WiFi or GPS.
As well we discovered that poorly designed or manufactured cases with fold over flaps could fail if the bag was turned upside down. In some cases, the weight of the device pressing against the closure at the fold-over caused the closure to separate compromising the signal blocking effectiveness.
Most concerning of all was that a vast majority of the Faraday bags or cases we saw had not been tested by 3rd party engineers in a properly equipped laboratory. Many of the products on the market were private label with the brand owner unable to confirm any specific testing done as they were often not privy to the manufacturing or testing details of the products they were selling.
None of this instilled the kind of confidence we were looking for to protect our privacy, electronics and health so with research in hand we set out to build a better Faraday bag.
The GoDark Faraday Bag Criteria
- Reliably blocks Cell, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS signals every time
- The closure must never fail, even if the bag is upside down
- It should be easy to visually verify the bag is properly closed
- It must undergo 3rd party lab tests to confirm proper signal blocking
- It must be exceptionally durable and built to support a high duty cycle required by the military under real world conditions
After much prototyping and 3rd party laboratory testing, we believe we have achieved our goal and are proud to offer our GoDark Faraday Bag product line for Phones, Tablets and Dry Bags.
We have a lot of exciting new EMF signal blocking products in development and in the months ahead I will look forward to introducing you to many new innovative products designed to enhance your privacy and protect your health.